
2-3 years

Our Toddler room  provides children with a caring and nurturing environment that enhances and allows children to develop the appropriate stages of independence and learning for their age.

Our Educators recognise the importance of developing children’s self-awareness and confidence whilst also developing social skills and the awareness of others. The development of social and language skills throughout our program are of upmost importance within our daily routine. Storytelling, singing, music and movement, are essential parts of our program offered to the children each day.

Spending time in the outdoor environment to encourage developing each child’s gross motor skills, and strengthening their muscles through digging in the sandpit, climbing on the equipment, riding bikes and kicking balls is an important part of the centre’s daily routine.

Working in partnership with families in guiding children through the toilet training process is an important factor to ensure consistency for the child in both the centre and the home environment.